Recommended Products
Barbara Pheloung recommends the
following books:
Reflexes, Learning and Behavior, A window into a child’s mind
By Sally Goddard Blythe
Publisher: Fern Ridge Pr (January 19, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0976454300
ISBN-13: 978-0976454304
A Teacher’s Window into a Child’s Mind
By Sally Goddard Blythe
Publisher: Fern Ridge Press (January 1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0961533250
ISBN-13: 978-0961533250
Sally Goddard trained at the INPP in 1987/88 and joined the permanent staff in 1988. Since that time she has written numerous articles and papers on neuro-developmental factors in educational difficulties.
In 1996, her first book “A teacher’s window into the child’s mind“ was published by Fern Ridge Press in the U.S.A. This book, which was subsequently extended and updated under the new title of “Reflexes, Learning and Behaviour“ has been translated into 6 languages and has provided the basic information on the significance, assessment and remediation of abnormal reflexes for many other professionals.
This unique and brilliant book explores the physical basis of learning difficulties, dyslexia, dyspraxia, Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), with particular focus on the role of abnormal reflexes and the effect upon subsequent development.
Sally explains how the reflexes of infancy (primitive and postural) can affect the learning ability of the child if they are not inhibited and integrated by the developing brain in the first three years of life. Each reflex is described together with its function in normal development, and its impact upon learning and behaviour, if it remains active beyond the normal period.
Simple tests for the reflexes that are crucial to education are described, together with suggestions for suitable remedial intervention. The effect of abnormal reflexes on balance and sensory processing is also described. A brief history of how current methods of intervention designed to correct abnormal reflexes have evolved and a summary of some of the relevant research in the field are included.
This book is essential reading for parents, teachers, psychologists, optometrists and anyone involved in the assessment, education and management of children and their problems. It explains why certain children are unable to benefit from the same teaching methods as their peers and why they remain immature in other aspects of their lives.

by Clare Crew
Specjalne potrzeby edukacyjne
By Agnieszka Olechowska
Książka Agnieszki Olechowskiej to interdyscyplinarne kompendium wiedzy o specjalnych potrzebach edukacyjnych, przydatne nauczycielom i innym profesjonalistom, rodzicom oraz studentom przygotowującym się do pracy w przedszkolu i w szkole. Autorka omówiła w niej teorię oraz praktykę kształcenia dzieci ze specjalnymi potrzebami edukacyjnymi, odwołując się do polskich realiów, procedur oraz obowiązujących regulacji prawnych. Nakreśliła nowe kierunki rozwoju systemu edukacji – uniwersalne projektowanie w edukacji oraz zarządzanie różnorodnością w szkole. Szczegółowo przedstawiła przyczyny, objawy oraz możliwości dostosowania wymagań edukacyjnych i pomocy dydaktycznych dla dzieci doświadczających: · niepełnosprawności intelektualnej oraz ruchowej · uszkodzeń słuchu i wzroku · niedostosowania społecznego · specyficznych trudności w uczeniu się · zaburzeń komunikacji językowej · chorób przewlekłych (epilepsji, cukrzycy, astmy, mukowiscydozy i innych) · sytuacji kryzysowych lub traumatycznych · niepowodzeń edukacyjnych · zaniedbań środowiskowych · trudności adaptacyjnych · autyzmu Książka, którą trzymają Państwo w rękach, to wynik spotkania teorii z praktyką. Tutaj praktyka wynika z teorii, a teoria znajduje zastosowanie w praktyce. To książka dla nauczycieli proaktywnych, nastawionych na działanie, otwartych na rozważanie różnych opcji, chętnych do stawiania wielu kolejnych pytań.
Agnieszka Olechowska’s book is an interdisciplinary compendium of knowledge about special educational needs, useful for teachers and other professionals, parents and students preparing to work in kindergarten and at school. The author discussed the theory and practice of educating children with special educational needs, referring to Polish realities, procedures and applicable legal regulations. She outlined new directions for the development of the education system – universal design in education and diversity management at school. She presented the reasons, symptoms and possibilities of adapting educational requirements and teaching aids to children experiencing: · intellectual and motor disabilities · hearing and sight impairment · social maladjustment · specific learning difficulties · language communication disorders · chronic diseases (epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, cystic fibrosis and others) · crisis or traumatic situations · educational failures · environmental negligence · adaptation difficulties · autism The book you hold in your hands is the result of a meeting of theory and practice. Here the practice results from the theory, and the theory finds its application in practice. This is a book for proactive, action-oriented teachers, open to considering various options, willing to ask many more questions.
FED UP Understanding how food affects your child and what you can do about it
by Sue Dengate
ISBN 9781741667257
PUBLISHER Random House Australia PUBDATE 2008
Based on new Australian research, Fed Up is Sue Dengate’s comprehensive analysis of the effects of foods on children’s behaviour, learning ability and health. This book is a guide for pressured parents and a revelation for puzzled teachers. Fed Up helps parents to manage their children’s behaviour and learning problems without medication using remarkable new findings from Australian research into food intolerance.
Oxford Signpost to Spelling,
By Joy Pollock
ISBN 0 435 10686 4
Heinemann Educational Publishers
Signposts to Spelling is a handbook for teachers. There are twenty spelling guides, which give pupils help with the structure of words. A brief history of the English language is included on a question-and-answer basis, giving children some ideas of how our present spelling has come about. Nonsense dictations and mnemonics are humorously illustrated by Vanessa Pawsey.
Some comments on the first edition:
“…a book which should lighten the hearts of a few disheartened and struggling learners.”
The Guardian
“The teacher of any age group who uses Joy Pollock’s ideas in the making of materials and in the preparation of class lessons will be well equipped to deal with her pupils’ spelling difficulties in an individual and systematic way.”
Times Educational Supplement
English Grammar and Teaching Strategies,
Lifeline to Literacy
By Joy Pollock and Elisabeth Waller
ISBN 1-85346-638-7
David Fulton Publishers
Many Teachers were not exposed at school to rigorous instruction in grammar and now find it a daunting subject to teach. This book aims to demystify grammar and equip any teacher to teach it in the classroom. Carefully set out for ease of reference, each grammatical term is clearly defined. Varieties of usage are illustrated and teaching strategies can easily be extended according to the age and key stage of the pupil. These strategies are both for spoken and written language. They can be used for the whole class, small groups with pupils who have special educational needs and in classes for English as an additional language. Teachers who are anxious about grammar will welcome this “lifeline to literacy” for themselves and their pupils.
Day-To-Day Dyslexia in the Classroom,
By Joy Pollock, Elisabeth Waller and Rody Politt
ISBN 0-415-11132-3
Order through
This fully revised and updated edition of a classic text offers invaluable advice to teachers on how they can recognise specific learning difficulties and give practical help to children in their classes. Written in an accessible, jargon-free language, it provides guidelines on the way children with dyslexia learn language and achieve literacy and numeracy skills. It also includes chapters on handwriting, study skills and classroom management, while bearing in mind numerous demands made on classroom teachers.
This new edition includes reference to the National Literacy Strategy, how to make effective use of Teaching Assistants, and includes exercises which enable dyslexic people to become more ready to learn academically, as well as commentary on teaching children with diagnosed dyspraxia and Attention Deficit Disorder.
This is the essential companion to dyslexia that no teacher, student teacher, Special Educational Needs Coordinator or Teaching Assistant can afford to be without.
“Here is a book about dyslexia that needed to be written … Every school staff-room should have a copy on the library shelf, and it should be required reading for all beginning teachers in the course of their training… Highly recommended.”
Contact, the Journal of the British Dyslexia Association
Stopping Hyperactivity – A New Solution
Nancy E. O’Dell, Patricia A. Cook
ISBN 0-89529-789-2
Avery Publishing Group
New York
For over twenty-five years, Drs. Nancy E. O’Dell and Patricia A. Cook have tirelessly worked to develop and refine a unique exercise program that can diminish or entirely eliminate hyperactive behaviour. In Stopping Hyperactivity: A New Solution, the authors present this important breakthrough technique from theory to application.
Nancy E. O’Dell received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Indiana University, and her doctorate in Learning Disabilities from Purdue University. She is a Professor of Education at the University of Indianapolis, co-director of the Miriam Bender Diagnostic Center, and co-director of B.U.I.L.D., a support program for learning disabled students at the university.
Patricia A. Cook earned her bachelor’s degree from Marian College, her master’s degree from Butler University, and her doctorate in Learning Disabilities from Purdue University. She is a Professor of Education at the University of Indianapolis, co-director of the Miriam Bender Diagnostic Center, and co-director of B.U.I.L.D. She and dr. O’Dell have lectured at universities, professional meetings, and educational conventions throughout the world, and have appeared extensively on radio and television programs.
Sensory Integration and Learning Disorders
A Jean Ayres
ISBN 0-87424-303-3
WPS Publishers
Los Angeles
Dr. Jean Ayres began her scientific approach to studying sensory integrative function at a time when few occupational therapists were interested in research. She was dedicated to providing services to children who would otherwise be lost in the education and health care systems. Her resolute drive to improve the knowledge and application of sensory integrative principles through continuous research was founded on the desire to help these children.
Dr. Ayres was concerned about major problems confronting the use of sensory integrative theory. These problems included inappropriate application of sensory integrative theory and unrealistic claims of treatment efficacy. She lamented the theory was either accepted with absolute enthusiasm or rejected entirely. “It is believed to be either omnipotent or no good at all,” Dr. Ayres said, “and knowledge simply does not develop that way.”
Dr. Ayres dedicated her life to the ongoing development of sensory integration theory and practice and the children whom it benefited.
The Sound of a Miracle
– A Child’s Triumph Over Autism
Annabel Stehli
ISBN 1-85702-032-4
Fourth Estate
The Sound of a Miracle is Annabel Stehli’s riveting story of her daughter Georgiana’s triumphant progress from autisitic and functionally retarded to gifted. When mothers from all over the country contacted Annabel and told her their stories, she put them in touch with one another, forming The Parent’s Network, and inspired them to do as she had done: Defy the negative prognoses of the experts and fight for their children with Autism, Pervasive Developmental Delay (PDD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD), Dyslexia, and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.
In curing Georgie’s painful hearing, her most distressing symptom, a new intervention called auditory training made it possible for her to enjoy communication and to excel academically. There are many Georgies now, ready to take their place among their peers without a label, with a future as bright as any child’s. The interest sparked by The Sound of a Miracle resulted in the founding of what is now The Georgiana Institute, the validation of auditory training as a thoroughly researched treatment modality, and its availability worldwide.
First published in hardcover by Doubleday in 1991, this book was a Literary Guild Alternate Selection, and has been translated into Chinese, Dutch and German. It has also been condensed and published in The Reader’s Digest, and acquired by numerous public libraries. Currently in its fifth printing, it is sold in trade paperback by the Institute and in bookstores.
In the Minds Eye
Thomas G. West
ISBN 1-57392-155-6
Prometheus Books
New York
“Every once in a while a book comes along that turns one’s thinking upside down. In the Mind’s Eye is just such a book.”
“Both teachers and educational planners [should] read this book and take its message seriously.”
-T.R. Miles, Ph.D
Vice President of the British Dyslexia Association
A Revolutionary Way of Thinking
Dr. Charles Krebs and Jenny Brown
ISBN 0-85572-282-7
Hill of Content Publishing Pty Ltd
“This is an absolutely remarkable book which explains in a simple, precise and comprehensible way the philosophical basis of both eastern medicine and kinesiology. Beautifully summarised and completely up-to-date. To cover such a vast amount of knowledge and synthesise it into such a simple and clearly presented volume is an outstanding achievement. I compliment the author and would recommend this book not only for general readers but also all those interested in the basis of eastern medicine and the latest concepts in brain function.”
Graeme D. Jackson
Associate Professor Department of Medicine Austin & Repatriation Medical Centre Melbourne
“This is a remarkable story and a remarkable book. The content is extremely valuable to us all and it fully rewards the reader’s effort to integrate the technical material present in the text. I wish this book had been available when my son was a child!”
Dr. William Tiller
Professor Emeritus, Department of Materials, Science & Engineering Stanford University U.S.A.
If Kids Just Came With Instruction Sheets!
Svea J. Gold
ISBN 0-9615332-6-9
Fern Ridge Press
Eugene, Oregon
Whether we are reaising our own children or helping or helping those of the global village, this book deals with connections, not just single answers. Whether we are exploring behavior problems, learning disabilities, attention problems, delinquency or drug abuse, rarely does not one remedy apply. Neither do all remedies
apply to every child.
Even if only one of the many approaches suggested here helps only one child in a hundred, and that one child in a hundred happens to be your child, or a child in your acquaintance, this may be the most important book you ever read.
Healing the Hyper Active Brain
Through the New Science of Functional Medicine
Michael R. Lyon
ISBN 0-9685108-0-9
Focused Publishing
Millions of children and an ever-increasing number of adults are now on Ritalin®. Are drugs really the only effective way to cope with the ADHD epidemic? This book provides real solutions… It outlines in clear detail a systematic comprehensive highly effective scientific and rational method for uncovering the hidden causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and managing this condition effectively without the need for drugs.
The Fabric of Autism
Judith Bluestone
ISBN 0-9720245-1-8
The HANDLE Institute
Infused with rare insights into the impetus behind autistic behaviors, The Fabric of Autism weaves the various threads of autism into a “make-sense” theory, hard won through personal experience and decades of study. From neuroscientific research, explanations of developmental processes and clinical outcomes emerge the probable causes of autism. The Fabric of Autism is both a signifcant clinical work and a moving memoir that illuminates the humanity hidden beneath the bewildering facade of autism.
Molecules of Emotions,
The science behind mind-body medicine
Candace B. Pert
ISBN 0-684-84634-9
New York
Why do we feel the way we feel? How do our thoughts and emotions affect our health? Are our bodies and minds distinct from each other or do they function together as part of an interconnected system?
In her groundbreaking book Molecules of Emotions, Candace Pert provides startling and decisive answers to these and other challenging questions that scientists and philosophers have pondered for centuries. Her pioneering research on how the chemicals inside our bodies form a dynamic information network, linking mind and body, is not only provocative, it’s revolutionary.
By establishing the biomolecular basis for our emotions and explaining these new scientific developments in a clear and accessible way. Pert empowers us to understand ourselves, our feelings, and the connection between our minds and our bodies -bodyminds- in ways we could never possibly have imagined before.
Molecules of Emotions is a landmark work, full of insight and wisdom and possessing that rare power to change the way we see the worl and ourselves.
Barbara Pheloung recommends the following Audio/Video materials:
The Listening Program
Links to Learning
Tracey Butler and Hayden Butler
Phone: 0426 963 863
The Listening Program is a home-based therapy that is a safe, effective, drug-free approach that helps the brain process sensory input more efficiently. This leads to reduced stress, a calmer central nervous system and improved auditory skills that are required to effectively listen, learn, and communicate. Listening Programs are suitable for children aged from two through to teens, adults, and seniors. Completely portable and easy to use, The Listening Program fits easily into anyone’s schedule and usually only requires 15 to 30 minutes of daily listening.
- Attention span & focus
- Speech & motor control
- Auditory perception & sensitivity
- Musical & vocal expression
- Self-esteem, mood & motivation
- Social interaction
- Understanding spoken language
- Reading, spelling & handwriting
- Physical balance and coordination
For more details visit
Kindergarten Screening (PAL Video)
The Learning Place
The Kindergarten Screening is a longitudinally validated standardised Australian in-school screening instrument to assess what each child can do independently by observation and objective evaluation of their performance of familiar kindergarten tasks, in their familiar class and school setting, with their peers.
The intent of screening kindergarten children at school entry is to identify their developmental and learning needs to inform instruction and direct intervention.
Assessment Categories are in the affecting domains of Outside Motor, Fine Motor, Oral, Language, Paper / Pencil and Reasoning, and four Personal Attributes.
The Kindergarten Screening is cost and time efficient, easy to administer, score and interpret by teachers, and can be completed for a whole class together in about two hours, despite the range of the children’s age and other diversities.
Research results indicated that in-school kindergarten screening can fairly evaluate and identify the developmental and learning needs of each child screened and differences among the children, and that instructional interventions based upon identified needs have positive outcomes for children.
The Kindergarten Screening Manual contains all administration and scoring criteria, forms, practice scoring, standard and high/low target score tables, and is available from:
The Learning Place
24B 2 Brady St.
Mosman NSW 2088
ph: +61 2 9960 8610
fax: +61 2 9969 8948
Sound Therapy for Children
Sound Therapy is an ideal treatment for all children and can be easily used at home or in the classroom. Simply by listening through ear phones to specially filtered music and stories, the child’s auditory processing system is enhanced. The program is valuable for a child’s development, just as physical movement, spinning, swinging and co-ordination skills are important. Sound Therapy is like exercise for the ear and the auditory processing and sensory integration centres in the brain.
An easy home based Program
Sound Therapy is affordable, portable and easy. It fits easily into your child’s day and can be listened to during daily activities such as home work, riding in the car or going off to sleep.
Order from Sound Therapy International