Help Your Child to Learn

This, the first of Barbara Pheloung’s books, contains a questionnaire to help identify where difficulties lie in an individual child. It also gives a lot of information about Learning Difficulties. This is a great place to start, especially if you are a parent.
Available in print or e-book versions.
Help Your Class to Learn

This, the second in the series, is great for teachers, keen parents or practitioners in the field of Learning Difficulties. It has a lot of information about setting up a perceptual movement program in a school, including suggestions of equipment , (much of which you could make yourself), & activities.
Available in print or e-book versions.
Overcoming Learning Difficulties

Written with Jill King, this book helps with diagnosis and presents an extensive program of graded activities which are easy to follow. Full of practical suggestions and sequences of activities covering a wide range of areas, it is ideal for planning both therapy and home programmes.
Available in print or e-book versions.
School Floors

This book gives information about things that can be done after the movement program as well as advice about how to get the program into schools. There are chapters on diet, nutrition, food additives, allergies, sound therapy, auditory processing, the effect of retained primitive reflexes, playground management and improving social interaction. Particularly helpful are a quick functional vision screening test, a ‘ready for school?’ test and a ‘what to look for before the third birthday’ chapter.
Available in print or e-book versions.
Ten Gems for the Brain

This e-book explains how to do the movement sequences in simple clear language with lots of pictures. It contains all the information you need to run the program in your own home or school.
It makes an excellent handout at seminars and is a good reference for parents or clients!
Available only in e-book version.
Ten Gems for the Brain; The Move to Learn Program for all Ages!

This e-book is an extended version of our regular Ten Gems for the Brain, with deeper explanations into the ‘why & how’ of what we do. It has been developed to meet the needs of adults (older teens through to seniors) who would like to benefit from our program.
Available only in e-book version.